Although asphalt is the most economical paving choice, you do not want to shoulder the cost of replacing your asphalt pavement any more often than you must. In most cases, the premature demise of an asphalt pavement can be directly linked to inadequate maintenance. An effective maintenance program requires vigilance on your part and the services of a reputable and experienced Boston asphalt contractor with a thorough understanding of the various procedures that will be of the most value for your specific pavement. However, there is one procedure that should never be overlooked, and that is the repair of cracks in your pavement.
Why Is Asphalt Crack Repair Essential?
Many people are surprised to learn that water is one of the most formidable enemies of asphalt pavements. Whether the source is rain or melted ice and snow, water can enter through open cracks. It will then be drawn downward by gravity, percolating through the various layers that comprise the structure of your pavement. Eventually, the water will reach and erode the foundation that supports your pavement, and a damaged foundation can lead to potholes, alligator cracking, and subsidence. If you want to avoid costly repairs or the premature failure of your pavement, you should make crack repairs an essential part of your driveway or parking lot maintenance program. You should also consider actions that can help prevent cracks from developing in the first place. These include periodic applications of sealcoating, addressing drainage issues, and removing leaked automotive fluids, grass clippings, fallen leaves, and other debris. Ask your contractor to develop an asphalt maintenance plan that is tailored to your specific needs.
Why Should I Have My Contractor Perform Asphalt Crack Sealing Before Winter?
As noted above, water will enter open cracks and move downward, inflicting damage as it goes. At any point in the water’s journey, the damage will be exacerbated if freezing temperatures occur. As the ice expands, it can exert pressure on the asphalt and the foundation, causing or worsening cracks, rearranging the materials contained in the foundation, and encouraging the development of potholes. The best way to repair most cracks is to seal them, but asphalt crack sealing typically requires that pavement and air temperatures are at least 45 degrees Fahrenheit. If you wait until winter sets in to repair the cracks in your asphalt pavement, your contractor will likely have no choice other than to use a cold-pour material to perform crackfilling. Asphalt crack fillers are less flexible than crack sealers, so they are too rigid to expand and contract when the pavement moves in response to temperature changes. Although crackfilling can give you some protection against water penetration, the repair will have a shorter life and can develop its own cracks or pull away from the walls of the void.
Can Crack Sealing Repair Every Type of Crack?
Although most types of cracks can be sealed, there are occasions that require a different driveway or parking lot repair. One notable example is alligator cracking. This pattern of interconnected cracks will almost always require the removal of the damaged asphalt so that the foundation can be repaired or strengthened before installing new asphalt.
Why Should I Contact City Sealcoating for My Asphalt Maintenance Needs?
City Sealcoating is a Boston-based asphalt contractor and one of the leading pavement maintenance companies in New England. We have a team of experienced, highly trained employees to handle your crack sealing, asphalt paving, line striping, and sealcoating projects. We have an exceptional reputation for craftsmanship and customer service. For a free quote, call 800-383-8309 or use our online form.
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